Now there comes a time where some certain movies are either playing at the movie theater or release direct to video or even made for T.V but there has never been a movie made out of a couple of episodes from a T.V show but released before airing on T.V well until the fall of 1998 Saban decided to release a direct film based on one of his well known T.V shows that he did. Released on home video in October of 1998 the movie is Power Rangers In Space:the movie now to be fair I won't spoil the ending.So on with the review. The film follows the rangers as they meet their match evil rangers known as the psyhco rangers the power rangers then must work together to defeat the psyhco's and save angel grove. Now for a film like this I have one thing to say this kind of story had been done many times in film history! lets take a look back into lets say the 1970s. In 1974 Toho released the 14th film in the Godzilla film series Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla on March 21 1974 and that film had the same plot as in space the movie did expect it was Godzilla not Power rangers. Then go into the late 90s in 1996 A.D.V films did a two part OVA based on the popular video game charcter Sonic the Hedgehog which only made it to two episodes due to not being very succuessful and the second part being Sonic vs Metal Sonic had the same plot as In space the movie and vs mechagodzilla but it was Sonic not Power rangers or Godzilla. So why did Saban have to do this we didn't want a Power rangers in space movie to begin with.Also another thing I have to complain about this film is the writing the writing was badly written and the writer for this film is also the director being Chip Lynn the writing was so awful that even the english dub for Rebirth of Mothra 2 is better (which will most likely be my next review). Now even though I don't love this film I still do have a favorite character being Ashley Hammond who is the yellow ranger in the film. The jokes nothing funny at all in this film not a chuckle or laugh at all. Characters some of the characters are cool but some fail. The music is decent. Now don't get me wrong I enjoy Power Rangers in space the season itself but this film is just now my kind of movie. And for my final thoughts on the film while this film has it's moments it fails to be a frisk favorite of mine and was pretty much a crash grab. It's Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla meets Megamind in a stupid kiddie friendly way and if mystery science theater 3000 was still on I would want them to show this film on there.But however I wouldn't call this film bad or great I just think it is not one of the best out there and I was kiding about MST3K it has it's flaws but it still has some good in it. Rating ** 1/2 out of 5 stars now if I were you I suggest that you watch the japanese version of the film being Denji Sentai Megaranger it's so much better but sadly I don't watch it that much since it has a Christmas feel to it and like most people I don't like watching Christmas stuff when it's not Christmas but I do watch the scenes that don't have Christmas involved. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this review and have a nice day